Open data, for example weather, tide level, is a great addition that help make sense of your water and sewer network data.
InfoTiles offers a wide range of built-in open data sources that you can easily select and configure with your credentials and desired parameters.
In this article, you will see instructions on how to select and configure the weather data source from the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate called NVE HydAPI
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Table of contents
1. Select an open source
Step 1: Navigate to the Open Data on the left side menu
Step 2: Click the button "Add an open source"
Step 3: Select an open source available in the wizard
- You should now see the wizard lists all available built-in open sources.
- Select NVE HydAPI and click Next.
2. Configure NVE HydAPI
NVE Hydrological API (HydAPI) is a RESTful API that provides access to the latest observations from NVE's systems (The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate). The series exposed are the most common types like discharge, water stage, water temperature and other types.
Step 1: Provide a friendly name and your access token, then click Add new source
Tip: If you do not have access token, select "Click here" on the prompt to get a new one.
Step 2: Select desired municipality and parameters to retrieve data
At this step, you should see the page where you can select desired municipality and parameters to retrieve data from the API. In this example:
- Select "Oslo" as the municipality
- Select "Discharge" as the parameter
Step 3: Click "Preview data"
- This step enables you to preview some latest observations and verify whether data is retrieved as you expect.
Step 4: Save as a data source
- Once you are satisfied with the preview data, click "Save as a data source".
- The newly added data source is now visible in the listing page.
You have now successfully retrieved data for "Discharge' in Oslo municipality. The data is updated automatically when there are new observations from the NVE system.
Step 5: Access your data
- From the listing page, click the newly added data source "NVE HydAPI Demo" (as the screenshot above) to open the configuration page.
- Click Discover
After this step, you are redirected to the analytics workspace to view and explore your data
Further readings:
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